"Where Employers, Retirement Plan Sponsors and Fiduciaries come to learn and retirement industry leaders stop by to share their candid insights on current trends, topics and happenings."
- Rick Unser, Host
Managing Partner, North Pier Fiduciary Management
This Week's Episode:
Overview: I am proud to share that the experiences of a 401(k) expert witness is no longer unchartered territory on the podcast! We kick things off addressing what role a 401(k) expert witness plays during a lawsuit. Then we quickly begin to stress test some fiduciary messages you might have heard such as “Your process is your protection”, we delve into whether having the right fiduciary mindset is relevant and if having some foresight should be an important part of your fiduciary process.
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Rick Unser
ERISA Risk Management Consultant
I created the 401(k) Fridays Podcast and supporting content as a an easy way for employers, retirement plan sponsors and plan fiduciaries to have on demand access to unique insights from industry experts to help deepen their knowledge and understand of the complex and evolving world of employer sponsored retirement plans. Everything on the site is designed specifically for employers and (hopefully) presented in a way that is strategic, timely and actionable. If you have not already, please sign-up to recieve our periodic email updates that will of course come on a Friday.
For nearly 20 years I have worked as a retirement consultant with employers who have a couple hundred to a couple thousand employees to enhance fiduciary protection, streamline plan operations and improve employee retirement readiness. As a visitor to the site, I hope you will benefit from my experience, both successes and failures to impact the future outcomes of both your retirement plan and your employees' journey towards their eventual retirement.
Thank you for stopping by!
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Lockton Retirement Services
725 S. Figueroa St.
Los Angeles, CA 90017
401(k) Fridays Video Podcast White Paper Financial Wellness Participant Communication Education, Discrimination Testing, Fiduciary Consultant Advisor 401k experience QPFC CRPS ERISA help safe harbor retirement committee outcomes service request for proposal stable value target date fund mutual investment policy statement wellness financial readiness RFP fee benchmarking engagement employer consultant qualified plan outcome impact compliance lawsuit match profit sharing pension